1992 — Lotus Mouse

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The Lotus Mouse is a typical example of an optomechanical mouse from the 90s.

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The mouse has an ergonomically shaped asymmetrical body and is designed for right-handed use. On the upper side of the case there are two large buttons and the word “Lotus” is written. The surface of the main mouse button is embossed to make it easier to tactilely identify.

Turning the mouse over reveals a rubber ball and low-friction polymer gliding feet.

The mouse is connected to the computer via a serial port.

It can be said that the Lotus Mouse is a forerunner of the Microsoft Mouse 2.0 shape to a certain extent – a mouse that was released a year later and then in its turn gave shape to Microsoft’s most famous mouse, the IntelliMouse.

Mouse internals are shown below. It is a typical opto-mechanical device. The FCC ID code reveals that this mouse was manufactured in 1992 by the Taiwanese BMC Micro Industries company at the factory in Singapore.

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